Wardrobe Draping Panels


The JCC Consultant Tools are only available to trained and certified JCC Consultants who have taken the JCC Color Analysis training and received a certificate verifying their status as JCC Color Consultants.

For JCC consultants, to drape clients and demonstrate the 42 colors in every JCC color plan.
(labels included, not affixed)

To inquire about training, please contact us here.

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Julie Cunningham Color wardrobe colors are represented in a set of 102 large wardrobe drapes.

Each of the twelve palettes has a different set of colors. You drape each client individually in her particular 42 wardrobe colors. Color analysis is transforming because it is a system in which the wardrobe & makeup colors work together.

This is the magic of color analysis…the synergism between the person, the makeup, and the wardrobe colors…each part of the system is vital. You personalize the wardrobe colors for the client. 102 Wardrobe Drapes.