Consultant Training Program

We Do It Right

Image consulting, done correctly, is a transforming, confidence building gift to others. We do it because we love to strengthen, improve and beautify both our own lives and those of our clients. Please join us for our next image consultant training program.


We Do It Right

Image consulting, done correctly, is a transforming, confidence building gift to others. We do it because we love to strengthen, improve and beautify both our own lives and those of our clients. Please join us for our next image consultant training program.

Color Analysis

Color analysis is a transforming process that imparts a radiance and credibility achieved no other way. It is the heart and soul of our system. It is based on strong color theory, and is grounded in the belief that each person is perfect exactly as they are.


Makeup is an essential part of an excellent color analysis program and is prescribed based on the same theories of personal harmony. Makeup chosen and applied properly looks natural. The person, the makeup, and the wardrobe create a synergism resulting in a total image achieved no other way. All women can learn to comfortably and beautifully use makeup.

Individual Style

Individual style combines the unique personal coloring, physical characteristics, and personality essence of each person in one effective visual package. Everyone has a great style. Style evolves and improves with age.

Wardrobe Development

Dressing well is an art that can be taught. Women need flattering rules for dressing and effective wardrobe organization techniques.

Accessory Skills

Accessory skills are the crucial finishing touch to any personal image. Every person can have this polish and personality to create signature looks.

We are theory based, not product driven, image professionals. We have a reason for every bit of advice we offer our clients, based on principles of design, line, color, shape, and personality type. We charge appropriate fees for the personalized services that we offer. We do it all. There is no other image system approaching JCC anywhere else. Join us!

To inquire about our Consultant Training please call our studio at 207-773-5500