Individual Style (In Person or Online)



You don’t need to be gorgeous, perfect or thin to have a great personal style. You need to be yourself, only on purpose. We are all born with a unique body and personality like no one else. When you learn to present both of these to your best advantage, you have your style. Style is all the elements of dressing that work together to create an individual, one-of-a-kind look. Think of your style as the sum total of all the choices you make in the morning as you dress: clothing, hairstyle, cosmetics, accessories, fingernails, eyewear, everything! No one can put these elements together the way you can – that is the secret of your style.

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Your clothes send messages every time you dress yourself. Clothes tell us whom you are inside and how you want others to treat you. Clothes dress your spirit. To be confident and happy with your wardrobe, the messages you send must be congruent with who you really are. People may say you look good in an outfit, but you won’t feel good in the clothes if the inner you is not reflected. This can sap your mental and emotional energy. When you understand your style type, you can dress for every occasion and still be yourself. And you won’t only look good, you will feel marvelous as well. And that makes all the difference in dressing satisfaction.


We start with the physical characteristics that contribute to your style. It is common to have figure and line challenges that require fool-the-eye, body-camouflaging techniques. There are six body silhouettes. Some clothing shapes will look better than others, depending on your silhouette. You also need to know your correct proportion, scale, fabric and pattern choices. This personalized image information is the secret to making correct choices and looking good in your clothes. We call this information your “rules” and we give you a personalized book of them. Don’t wait to lose weight or change your body. Use any positive energy you get from looking good now to change in the future. Use your rules and you will learn to dress the body you have, not the one you wish you had. You will be flattered by your clothing and want to wear them.


You have a clothing personality that best expresses your true inner essence. When it is right, your spirit will soar. You are a Dramatic, Natural, Classic or Romantic. There are many varieties in each of these four basic style types so it will be very different on each person, hence the name “Individual Style”. The right clothing personality for you can be expressed in all situations: business, casual, family, community, sports or romance. Do not confuse clothing personality with lifestyle. Lifestyle is how or where you currently live, not who you really are. Knowing your clothing personality will free you to dress confidently as your own true self in every situation.


You can gain confidence from your wardrobe when you send valid and true messages about yourself with your clothing. This is the essence of individual style. We are dedicated to teaching you how to express your own style. Believe in yourself just as you are. We do. Style is being yourself, but on purpose. We’ll show you how.

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In Person (1 and 1/2 hours), Online via Zoom or Similar (1 and 1/2 hours)